We held a b'day party at Aunt Julia's house last saturday (04/11/06) for the November b'day-ers... Wah, see the chocolate cake?? Yummy........ Chocolate from top to bottom, how can one resist it??? Haha, God says sharing is caring, so everyone who went got a slice..... Muahaha, what a happy night again....... Then we played the werewolf, vampire and priest card game AGAIN..... Can you believe it?? I can't... Why?? Coz i never expect Aunt Julia will have solitaire cards in her house!!! Oh, how lucky would i be if i can also have a b'day party annually, but the main problem is the worksAFTER THE PARTY..... Even b'day ppl need to help in "house-keeping" after the mess we(non b'day-ers/guests) did.....
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